WordPress Dominance – the number one in the world

WordPress Dominance – the number one in the world

It’s challenging to provide specific percentage values as a direct comparison between WordPress and other platforms, as their popularity and usage can vary based on different criteria and over time. However, I can offer a general perspective based on historical trends and the overall landscape of content management systems (CMS) and website platforms.

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022:

  1. WordPress Dominance:
    • WordPress has consistently been a dominant player in the CMS market, powering a significant percentage of websites on the internet. Estimates have ranged from 40% to over 60% of websites using some version of WordPress.
  2. Competing CMS Platforms:
    • Other CMS platforms like Joomla, Drupal, and Wix each have their share of users, but they generally have a smaller market share compared to WordPress.
  3. Website Builders and E-commerce Platforms:
    • Website builders like Wix and Squarespace, as well as specialized e-commerce platforms like Shopify, have gained popularity, especially among users seeking simplified solutions for specific purposes.
  4. Custom Development and Frameworks:
    • Custom web development using frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails, and Laravel caters to users who require highly customized and scalable solutions. These frameworks are popular in specific development communities.
  5. Blogging Platforms:
    • While WordPress started as a blogging platform, it has evolved into a versatile CMS. However, blogging-focused platforms like Medium and Blogger still have a presence, particularly for individual bloggers.
  6. Static Site Generators:
    • Static site generators like Jekyll and Hugo are popular among developers who prefer the simplicity and security advantages of static websites.
  7. Frontend Frameworks:
    • Frontend frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js are widely used for building interactive user interfaces. They are often employed alongside various backend solutions, including WordPress.

It’s important to note that these percentages are approximate and can change over time. Market dynamics, user preferences, and technological advancements all contribute to the evolving landscape of web development and content management. For the most up-to-date statistics, you may want to refer to recent surveys or market research reports specific to CMS and web development platforms.